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Living Will Donations and Trust Assignments

This document is part of a set of documents related to
Living Will Donations and Trust Assignments
and the Deaccessioning of items based on standard Museum practices.

To refine and define its collections, the Kristin S. Conrad Lace Center Foundation (Lace Center) accepts non-monetary and monetary donations such as Living Will Donations and Trust Assignments. For Living Will Donations and Trust Assignment, include the following items in the appropriate section of the document:

- Recipient: The Kristin S Conrad Lace Center Foundation at the current address,
- EIN number 87-4225461
- Public Charity Status as 170(b)(1)(A)(vi).

The Foundation has the overall status of a 501(c)(3) organization. Please include instructions to the executor of the Will or Trust with details of your donation and the Foundation. At the time of setting up a Living Will or Trust, please inform the Foundation via a standard letter (See below) and send it to Liz Redford via email. Upon actual receipt of the donation items, these will be classified as museum-worthy, educational materials, reference materials, etc., as outlined in the Deaccessioning Policy of the Foundation.

For a copy of the Deaccessioning Policy by the Foundation, click here.

For a sample of the FutureDonation Letter, click here.

  Mailing address
  133 Fayetteville Street - Suite 100
  Raleigh, NC 27601

  Telephone: (919)594-1681

  EIN: 87-4225461


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© Kristin S. Conrad Lace Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit Education Organization